The Guggenheim Empire:
(click either image for a larger view)
Included the Alaska Syndicate (Kennecott, Beatson, Alaska Steamship, CRNW Railway, Northwestern Commercial); American Smelter & Refining (including the Tacoma smelter that refined all the Alaskan metals); Guggenex--the exploration company that included the Bingham Canyon, Utah, Braden, Chino, Ray and Nevada Northern Consolidated; and much more . . . The Guggenex holdings and those of the Alaska Syndicate were for the most part picked up by the new Kennecott Copper Corporation in 1915. Some of the holdings were not fully transferred until the 1930s. They were literally too much for even the backers of Kennecott to swallow all at once.
Sewel alone--the part of Braden Copper at the top of the mountain--was a wholly-owned company town of 16,000.
Above: The company town of Sewell in 1970, shortly before the government of Chile nationalized the company holdings.
Below: The concentrator at Sewell:Look at the size of the mill compared to the housing complexes to the lower right and the right.