Our Mr. Milliken and Mr. Michaelson came down. I was
called by Mr. Saez, who said, "Bob, we'd like to have a meeting
with your men next week," so I set it up. He said, "I don't
want to have it downtown; the reporters are all over the place."
I said, "I'll take care of it. Don't worry." So we went
way out to Las Condes and rented a house. We brought the cooks
from our director's house in Sewell, two girls who had worked up
there for forty years and could cook the most wonderful meals.
Nobody knew. We had a telephone put in, and nobody knew the
number. So we were to meet.
My bosses came down, and I met them at the airport and got
them to the hotel on the morning before the day of the meeting.
We had lunch, and they hemmed and hawed. Then everybody took a
little rest, and in the afternoon Frank called me in. He said,
"I want to let you know what we're going to do tomorrow. We've
come to the conclusion that 25 percent is just the same as
having 1 percent, and 49 percent for them is the same as having
1 percent; they'll always be a minority. At 50-50 you can't run
a company. So we're going to sell them 51 percent. And this
project of yours, going to a tunnel out there"--! called this
the 280 Project; it was 280,000 tons of copper a year, and we
were producing 180,000 tons.
He said, "That idea, 280,000 tons per year, are you sure
it's going to work?"
I said, "Yes, it's going to work."
Swent: This was the half-Codegua plan?
Haldeman: Yes. He said, "We're going to propose that."
They had done their homework and had never told me a single
thing about what they were doing. I said, "That's fine, Mr.
Milliken. Go right ahead." Here was this guy who told me that
if he took it to the board they would fire him, and now he was
telling me we were going to do it but in a spectacular way.
We got to the meeting the next day at ten o'clock. We sat
down and had a coke and a cup of coffee and so on. Raul Saez
was master of ceremonies. He knew Milliken and Michaelson from
before, as did Lagarrigue, so we were all on first names. Saez
made a little pitch about what had happened before with Andina
and Anaconda and what the president wanted, that he was not
asking for something for nothing, blah, blah, blah.
Javier went on about, "If you incorporate yourself,
hopefully we could get some sales to be made by the companies in
Chile, and they become Chilean companies. And we have your best
interests at heart," and all this stuff and so on.

Center of cultural activities during the hey-day of copper mining at the ghost town of Sewell, Chile (click for larger image)
Index to Haldeman Interview
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